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  • in reply to: Feedback Forum #77568

    Hi kbridges,

    I like how clear and articulate your voice is. I would think a mature read is about sounding knowledgeable in the subject and confident, like an expert. So I recommend aiming to sound very knowledgeable in what you’re saying. The Travel read actually strikes me as more mature because you “hit” the word at the end of your sentences(as the Edgestudio guidebook describes it) more than you did in the radio read, which made you sound more confident in the Travel read. It seems like you were trying to be mature by being less emotional in the radio spot, which might be what the client wants too, but without that sense of expertise in your voice, the read may just sound merely nonchalant for the most part. In the radio read, the end of most of your sentences had an uptick in pitch which can be fine, it’s just that it sounded like you were questioning what you were saying especially in the first sentence. So I think you inverted your words too often in that read and that wouldn’t sound expert-like. So I think hitting words, more than inverting them, particularly in the end of your sentence, would make you sound more credible and mature. At the end of the radio spot, you hit the word “.com”, for example. Having the attitude of an expert would help too.

    in reply to: Feedback Forum #77473

    Hi TimberTykes, I agree with nettipo1 that your voice has a delightful, fun quality. I think it’s great for reads that call for excitement, like kids content. That could just be one of the things you could be good at. It’ll probably help to mark on your script/copy where you’re going to take a breath and where you’ll pause. It’ll help guide you so you can avoid doing so at an unnatural time. Also, I think you were at a nice level of energy in the beginning, but it seemed like your energy declined as the read went on, especially in the last sentence that ended in “for everyone.” I think the energy level you had in the beginning should match that last sentence. You could also see how it sounds if you increase the energy level on the read overall, with more volume, pitch range and emotion.

    in reply to: Feedback Forum #77471

    Yes, I need to work on my volume in recordings. I increased the gain on my audio interface for this read, but I guess my natural volume was still a little low. I appreciate your feedback! Would you say that I needed to increase my volume when I speak, or just increase the amplitude of my audio when editing?

    in reply to: Feedback Forum #77470

    Thank you, that’s a really good point you made about the narrator and characters blending together. I’ll keep that in mind in the future.

    in reply to: Feedback Forum #77433

    Hi Everyone! This is my first post on here and I would love feedback on the below recording! Thank you!

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