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  • in reply to: Feedback Forum #69197

    Just a quickie: Quality Inn
    Quality Inn
    When he checked in, he was Mr. Simmons. When he checked out, he was just plain Bob. Quality Inn. We’ll see you there.

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    in reply to: Feedback Forum #69195

    Hi Folks! Just getting back after a long absence and trying out a Corporate Explainer for my coaching session:
    OneCall Global
    Since the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic, corporations around the world were forced to shut down their offices and allow wireless to become the new workplace. Business operations are being conducted via smartphones, tablets, laptops and other mobile devices. Now more than ever corporations are in need of finding wireless cost saving solutions. OneCall Global is the best choice for the solutions and services you need to keep wireless costs low, well managed and well-aligned with your actual needs. Nobody delivers better results faster and with less work on your part. Contact OneCall Global and start saving on your corporate wireless expenses.

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    in reply to: Feedback Forum #62756

    Quick Re-Do Aetna-US Healthcare For Class – Flat Read

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    in reply to: Feedback Forum #62632

    Hello All! This is narration homework . . . 3 Edge Scripts, different tones:
    1). The Wonder Years (A warm, friendly, nostalgic story telling tone)
    1968. I was 12 years old. A lot happened that year. There’s no pretty way to put this, I grew up in the suburbs. I guess most people think of the suburb as a place with all the disadvantages of the city, and none of the advantages of the country. And vice versa. But, in a way, those really were the wonder years for us. It was kind of a golden age for kids.
    2). Recycling (A succinct PSA with a fun tone)
    I don’t know about you, but I like our planet a lot! And one of the easiest ways we can help protect the Earth is by recycling. That’s where instead of throwing things like plastic in the trash, you put them in a special bin so they go to a kind of factory to be reused. You’ve probably recycled things like plastic bottles before. There might even be a recycling bin in the room you’re in right now! Recycling is important because it helps keep the Earth clean, especially from trash made of plastic.
    3). Aetna-US Healthcare (Flat, straight forward “healthcare” read)
    No matter where we live–when it comes to something as important as health care–we all want the best. That’s why AETNA and US HEALTHCARE have joined forces to create a partnership that will set a new standard for quality and caring. AETNA and US HEALTHCARE. Raising a standard for your town, for your family, and for you.

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    in reply to: Feedback Forum #60126

    Overall, it sounds great! Very nice tone and I heard you change it up a bit on all three pieces, which indicates range. Agree on the pronunciation of Aetna as “eht-na,” and I liked best the #3 . . . I was ready for a documentary!

    in reply to: Feedback Forum #60124

    Very welcoming, friendly and clear tone. Nice read indeed!

    in reply to: Feedback Forum #60119

    Thanks Katelyndawnny for the excellent feedback! I absolutely hear what you are saying about the pacing. I have other takes that are both, quicker and more casual. I kept going back to these takes thinking the others were flat. I need to find a middle ground with pacing; I’m either a bit to fast, or in this case, overly cautious. Much appreciated!

    in reply to: Feedback Forum #60109

    Hello Folks! The following are three Narration Homework Scripts: #1. Corporate Explainer – AIG, #2. Documentary – About Horror and #3. E Learning – Space Game.

    #1. Narration Corporate Explainer – AIG
    The Greatest Risk Is Not Taking One. They gave up everything. Their families. Their friends. Their homes. The villages they were born in. They arrived with only the clothes on their backs. Vulnerable. Scared. But brimming with hope and determined that a better life was within their grasp. Today, risk takers don’t have to go after their dreams alone. They can rely on a business partner to help them through uncharted waters. An organization with unsurpassed insight and financial resources. One with the ability and flexibility to design specific solutions to help minimize risk for almost any business undertaking. So the next time you decide to venture into new territory for an idea you believe in, call AIG. We’re best equipped to help you manage the uncertainties that go along with the pursuit of hopes and dreams.
    #2. Narration Documentary – ABOUT HORROR
    Take a trip back to a time when late night creature features were all the rage and the personalities that presented them were just as popular as the movies.
    Beginning in the 1950s, the horror fest was a staple of regional television. From ghouls to vampires – to werewolves and crypt keepers – every host had a persona to suit their unique personalities.
    #3. Narration E-Learning – CHILDREN’S EDUCATIONAL SPACE GAME
    Today we’re going to explore all of the planets in our solar system and some other places as well. We’ll travel into the future when astronauts live throughout the solar system. On each world we’ll see what the weather is like, what we would wear, and what we would do to have fun! Grab your oxygen, put on your seatbelt, and let’s blast off!
    Thanks in advance for any input!

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    in reply to: Feedback Forum #57193

    Thank you SuperLuke! Tried for the “natural” sound on Allstate & went for the obvious “Trailer” sound and pacing on the Hagios Press script. Just not sure if the All-State was too flat in the middle.

    in reply to: Feedback Forum #57183

    I didn’t have as much of an issue with your “ESPN” OR “ABC,” I think it sounds great! My only suggestion would be one extra beat before “Home of . . . because the who’s presenting it flows great, but the “what?” oh, “Home of the Citi . . . ” etc., I just would have taken the quick extra beat and hit “Home” a little harder. But it’s very, very good as it is.

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