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  • in reply to: Feedback Forum #69859

    I think you do a fantastic job of sounding natural and approachable, you definitely sound like you’re connecting to your reader. My piece of feedback would be that especially in first half the pitch and cadence of you sentences all sound very similar, starting high and ending low, pretty much on the same pitch. When you ask all those questions with the same pitch it can be hard to really take in how those questions are different. So you? Your family? etc.? see if you can find specificity for each one.

    in reply to: Feedback Forum #69858

    I really enjoyed all three of your reads! You have a warm voice and have a lot of variety and specificity in your delivery. For the Orton copy, the only feedback i’d say is it felt like there was just a bit too much air in between sentences. I’m sure if this was actually part of a guided tour that pause would be necessary but when just listening to it, it breaks the momentum and makes each sentence have to build energy from zero.
    For the destiny script, I liked your read a lot! Make sure to really ask that question at the beginning, and maybe try exploring the danger of letting AI determine it’s own morality a little more? Or just get a bit more specific on your point of view.
    For the capsule read, it felt as though each word was a bit clipped and detached from the rest of the sentences – i think focusing on the idea an meaning of the sentences as a whole will help to make the read sound a bit more natural while still keeping that professional explainer sound.

    in reply to: Feedback Forum #69839

    Trying to practice more for my narration demo. All feedback is appreciated, thanks!!

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    in reply to: Feedback Forum #69031

    Your voice has such a warm and inviting tone, it’s wonderful to listen to!
    On the new york life copy it almost sounded as though you were rushing a bit through the words but then taking pauses between sentences, and the mix of rushing and pausing sort of broke up the flow of the read. I think the pauses would sound more natural if you slowed down your read just a tiny bit.
    I loved your read of the bread ad! The one piece of feedback i’d have is maybe try to bring just a little more specificity and distinction to the lists in there.

    in reply to: Feedback Forum #69030

    These were both fantastic! Your voice sounds so natural and energetic, it really felt like you were talking to somebody. For the commercial read my only feedback would be to really ask that question – whats in your bowl? Right now it feels like that thought is a little glossed over. Also, on the final word, energize, your inflection drops, so perhaps put a tiny bit more energy into energize?

    For the betty crocker read, i felt like there were a few unnatural pauses, the big one for me being between “best known woman in america” and “after eleanor roosevelt.”
    Great work!

    in reply to: Feedback Forum #67953

    I thought the music worked really well and your voice was warm, friendly, but still professional. I think perhaps it was a touch rushed, though, I was struggling to keep up with your read, especially in the second half when you named the product. Still, I was really impressed!

    in reply to: Feedback Forum #67952

    I really like the tone of your voice – you sound warm, professional, and easy to understand. If I could offer one piece of feedback it would be that it sounds as though you’re over-enunciating and over-emphasizing a lot of words. It definitely helps with clarity, but at the expense of sounding natural and relaxed. I think maybe focusing on the sentence thought as a whole rather than word by word may help you add some flow. Great work!!

    in reply to: Feedback Forum #67906

    Trying to practice more with narration! All feedback welcome, thanks!

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    in reply to: Feedback Forum #66779

    I loved the warmth and specificity in your voice! This is totally subjective but I think maybe injecting a little more energy into your read would serve it well. The tone felt a little overly soothing and calming. In that same vein I think the tempo could be picked up just slightly, mostly cutting down on dead air in between sentences.
    Lastly, it sounded like you were losing volume at the ends of sentences, and some final words ended on a whisper – keep the energy and volume going to the end of the sentence!
    Great job and hope this helps!

    in reply to: Feedback Forum #66704

    Hi all,
    Just starting on my narration coaching and would love any and all feedback on my first practice recording.

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