Hi Michelle,
Here are my comments: Nice warm quality to your voice; easy to listen to. There is some sort of noise or pop on the “st” on the word Instagram. I think there is slightly too much time between the end of “help us complete the picture” and the beginning of “direct message us…” The words “direct message us to find out” are smushed together and sound more like “direct message justify”. Can you tamp down or shorten the “f” sound on the word Life at the end of the demo? All in all, good job! Regards, Elizabeth
I’m submitting a short, playful dialogue between a grandmother and grandchild. My question for those who listen is: are the two voices clearly different and don’t sound like they’re being voiced by the same person? Any other feedback is welcomed.
Hi Terry,
I really like your pacing on Big-O tires. I understand the increase in volume with the line “Don’t wait any longer” but the volume seems to keep increasing rather than staying at the new level. Other than that, well done!
Hi Jeff,
I liked both your Aena and Black Diamond reads I thought you captured the tone of a health advocate in the first demo and the sports enthusiast in the second. Any “criticism” I might have you already covered in your caveats. Good job!
Good morning everyone:
I’m submitting a character read of an Edge Studio script and would love to get some feedback. Please be gentle! Thanks.
Thanks for the kind words forceonature. I completely agree with you regarding the pitch drop. It’s a problem I have sometimes even when I’m using my normal, very low-pitched voice.
Hi all,
Last week I posted a few character demos using my “normal” senior voice. Today I’m submitting a toddler/school age voice character demo. Any feedback I get from the community will be appreciated.
Hello Mkell755,
I put this in the wrong place the other day so you may not have seen it.
Enjoyed listening to your Sears carpet commercial. Your tone of voice and delivery are very smooth and soothing to the ear. I think you emphasized all the right words and gave a convincing reason to shop at Sears.
Hi Bil-Bo,
Love your Geico commercial. You have a big, warm voice and make great use of it in this demo. I want to point out only 1 thing: the end of the word ten thousand sounds like a “t” than a “d”. Something got a little messed up. Listen to it again and you’ll see what I mean. Other than that, really good job.