Don Sack

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  • in reply to: Feedback Forum #69962
    Don Sack

    Greetings All;
    Two spots, let me know how you feel?

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    in reply to: Feedback Forum #69961
    Don Sack

    Nice voice! Very clear. Yup, sounds like your reading; be happy! Also, unnecessary pauses, make ‘er flowwwww.

    in reply to: Feedback Forum #69748
    Don Sack

    Did this one just before going to work; did not mess with it too much as the advice I’ve gotten is to do it and move on! LOL!

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    in reply to: Feedback Forum #69737
    Don Sack

    Hey Greta!
    Very nice, soothing voice. Not fer nuttin’ but I think you can cut down on gaps and pauses. I do it too thinking it has some sort of dramatic effect……na.
    Rock On!

    in reply to: Feedback Forum #69736
    Don Sack

    Hey Sherry!
    The Crayola piece was very good! If there is no slate, slow down some and the the enunciation will be even clearer.
    Rock on!

    in reply to: Feedback Forum #69654
    Don Sack

    Hmmm, not sure if I’m knowledgeable (edge….) enough yet; I was struck by your voice and versatility; the production quality for sure, but, I am wondering if a client would not just be interested in your voice alone? For me the accompanying music was loud, distracting and over topped your voice.
    Rock On!!

    in reply to: Feedback Forum #69653
    Don Sack

    Vern, Ditto on suecat’s comments. Move toward getting the recording much clearer and no back round noise. Edge can help with getting you going on a good recording atmosphere; also You Tube, eh?
    Rock On!

    in reply to: Feedback Forum #69648
    Don Sack

    Getting back into the swing so to speak.
    Here are four recordings, two each of the same; compare and comment?
    Rock On!

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    in reply to: Feedback Forum #69576
    Don Sack

    Hey Nettipo1 !
    Wow, thanks for the feedback! I listened to the spots and you are so right!! Well, that’s what I get for slacking off for almost two months; details like these! A raspy voice is usually not my deal, but that’s what I get for doing these when tired! LOL
    Rock On!

    in reply to: Feedback Forum #69519
    Don Sack

    Hey Cb!
    Slow it down; enunciate (slowing down will help with that?). Acoustics where you record. Rock On!!

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