Edge Studio has been making spoken word fabulous, for over 35 years! It’s done via voice coaching and voice over recording, in 50+ languages. We also donate to numerous nonprofits and politicians who we support.
You have a good way of using a different voice. But feels like your not leaving enough space between sentences.
Hello everyone, I have both a Commercial and Narration piece. please feel free to provide any feedback, I would really apricate some inside, thank you.
The diction was good, and enunciation good, and pacing was fine. But there seems to be a little to much space in between the sentences at the end of them and some clicking and they both sound the same. Overall they were pretty good.
Here are three new samples I just got done. I would really appreciate some impute and if there is to much clicking. And if there is how do I deal with it properly?
Thanks for the input I’ll make sure to remember that and improve more.
Here is some recordings this week, please give me your thoughts.
Here are some voice commercials I’ve just uploaded for the week. I welcome any feedback that is given than can help me go foward.
Hello everyone, just posting a take for practice and would appreciate some feedback. Now that we are entering the new year, I plan to put more into recording as much as possible.
It sounded pretty good. by smiling more you can make it even better, so keep up the good work.
Seems pretty good so far, but could use more enthusiasm and slow down a little in your narration. other than that I think it was a fine promo that you did. Just make sure to keep up the good work.
Edge Studio has been making spoken word fabulous, for over 35 years! It’s done via voice coaching and voice over recording, in 50+ languages. We also donate to numerous nonprofits and politicians who we support.
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