Edge Studio has been making spoken word fabulous, for over 35 years! It’s done via voice coaching and voice over recording, in 50+ languages. We also donate to numerous nonprofits and politicians who we support.
HillOKeefe—thank you for thanking the time to listen to my reads. More importantly, thank you for the very detailed information on specifics of my voice and how to fix them.
Thank you. You’re va very kind person. 🙂
these are my first 2 attempts at medical narration. please be kind while also specific. 🙂
One is a “explainer” piece on multiple myeloma–technical.
The other is a positive outlook on the future of cancer Tx.
Trying for two different tones
these are my first 2 attempts at medical narration. please be kind while also specific. 🙂
One is a “explainer” piece on multiple myeloma.
The other is a “propaganda” piece from a nationwide cancer provider
Trying for two different tones
Edge Studio has been making spoken word fabulous, for over 35 years! It’s done via voice coaching and voice over recording, in 50+ languages. We also donate to numerous nonprofits and politicians who we support.
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