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  • in reply to: Feedback Forum #71468

    Hello gang, three more homework pieces for your listening pleasure (?). I’m open to, and appreciate, any and all feedback. Thanks! Chris.

      American Tire Supply (casual, conversational, let go of your diction a little, animated, BE YOURSELF)

    Free. Now when’s the last time ya’ heard that? A while…right? Well at American Tire Supply, when you buy one all-weather radial tire, you get another one free! Plus, get a free alignment! Hey, with a deal like this, how can you NOT afford to visit.?

      Tesla Camera App

    The touchscreen is your control panel for accessing functions, features and apps in your Tesla. The camera allows you to display what the high-definition rear view camera sees at any time when in Reverse. Guidelines appear and move with the steering wheel to show your trajectory. Always be sure to check your surroundings and to use your mirrors. The camera is an aid and should not be relied upon for rear view. If you are in need of additional assistance, you can reach Tesla support at eight-four-four two-four-eight-three-seven-five-two.

      Phytophotodermatitis (Medical Narration)

    Phytophotodermatitis is a nonimmunologic phototoxic cutaneous eruption resulting from contact with photosensitizing substances found in plants; furocoumarins (present in limes and other plants) are typically implicated and get activated following exposure to sunlight, especially 320-400 nanometer UVA rays.

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    in reply to: Feedback Forum #71441

    Hi gang, another round of narration homework. Would love to hear your feedback. Thanks in advance!

      Company Website Greeting

    Meet Bob. Like 95% of car shoppers, he uses his computer, smartphone and tablet to shop for his next car.A few years ago, you could have reached Bob through traditional means such as Direct mail, TV or radio, and newspaper ads.Today, that simply isn’t enough.
    According to Google – consumers visit 18 websites on average – before stepping into a dealership.

      Amelia Earhart

    Amelia Earhart dared to go where no one had gone before. The public adored the pioneering pilot. And news reels of the day captured her every move. Yet the private side of Amelia would always remain an enigma.

      Documentary on Jazz

    It is America’s music. It is an improvised Art, making itself up as it goes along. It rewards individual expression. But demands selfless collaboration. It is forever changing. But nearly always rooted in the blues. It has a rich tradition and its own rules. But it is brand new every night.

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    in reply to: Feedback Forum #70439

    He everyone, I just finished another round of homework and welcome any and all feedback. Thank you in advance!

    Aetna/US Healthcare
    No matter where we live–when it comes to something as important as health care–we all want the best. That’s why AETNA and US HEALTHCARE have joined forces to create a partnership that will set a new standard for quality and caring. AETNA and US HEALTHCARE. Raising the standard for your town, for your family, and for you.

    The b****r builds its lodge out of intertangled twigs and sticks; as freezing weather nears, they plaster their lodge with mud, making a concrete layer that no predator can break through. During the early nineteenth century, the b****r pelt was the single most valuable commodity; the pelt being used for robes, coats, clothing trims, and top hats. (FWIW, the forum automatically starred out “eave” lol)

    American Airlines
    Welcome aboard American Airlines coast-to-coast service. We’ll be happy to do everything possible to make your flight with us a most pleasurable experience. We’ll provide you with all the information you need to know about your flight, your destination, and the equipment on which you are currently flying. In addition, we are proud to present our American Airlines feature film presentation, for our transcontinental passengers. We’d like you now to remove the plastic insert found directly in front of you in the seat back pocket. Please review the safety information during the flight for your own protection, in the unlikely event of an in-flight emergency.

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    in reply to: Feedback Forum #70266

    Thank you for the feedback! I greatly appreciate it.

    in reply to: Feedback Forum #70148

    Thank you, I appreciate the feedback! My coach has been working with me to do less pauses, and as a result I definitely overdid it. I will continue to work to find that middle-ground.

    in reply to: Feedback Forum #70147

    Thank you for the feedback, I greatly appreciate it!

    in reply to: Feedback Forum #70112

    Hi all. I’ve completed another round of homework and welcome any and all feedback.


    It began with the seed of an idea. In 1902, the heartland needed folks to embrace new advances in agriculture. But leaders with open minds, strong hearts and willing hands weren’t in abundance. Luckily, kids were. By empowering the next generation to lead, 4/H took root. And grew. Grew kids who are confident and strong. Who are curious enough to question. And capable enough to find the answer. True leaders aren’t born. They’re grown. 4/H GROWS HERE.

      About Horror

    Take a trip back to a time when late night creature features were all the rage and the personalities that presented them were just as popular as the movies.
    Beginning in the 1950s, the horror fest was a staple of regional television. From ghouls to vampires – to werewolves and crypt keepers – every host had a persona to suit their unique personalities.


    Welcome to the planet earth. A place of blue nitrogen skies, oceans of liquid water, cool forests, soft meadows; A world positively rippling with life. From the cosmic perspective, it is, for the moment, unique. The only world on which we know with certainty that the matter of the cosmos has become alive, and aware. There must be many such worlds scattered through space, but our search for them begins here, with the accumulated wisdom of the men and women of our species, acquired at great cost, over a million years.

    Thank you all!

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    in reply to: Feedback Forum #69771

    Thank you for the feedback. Much appreciated!

    in reply to: Feedback Forum #69765

    Wow, thank you. I really appreciate the feedback!

    in reply to: Feedback Forum #69750

    Hi all. Uploading my homework assignment from coaching session number 2 for critique. Primarily focusing on emphasizing the right words and avoiding glottal stops. But I’m certainly open to any and all feedback. Thank you all in advance.

      Fish Boil

    Even people who don’t like fish, have been known to like this fish. That’s why a fish boil is a must-do experience when you visit Door County. It all starts with a blazing bonfire under a kettle of salted water. People circle around to warm themselves and take in the crisp smell. When the temperature is just right and the crackle of the fire is just loud enough, the boil master adds a basket of potatoes and onions to the kettle. A few crackles later, the mild whitefish steaks, fresh from Lake Michigan, are delicately lowered in. At just the right moment, kerosene is tossed into the fire, exciting the blaze and causing the water to boil over, dramatically carrying off the fish oil that has collected on top. The fish are pulled out and greeted with a generous drizzling of butter. Ladies and gentlemen, dinner is served.

      Liquiband Flow

    Developed with the input of clinicians across the globe, Liquiband Flow Control’s innovative design insures precise adhesive placement. The winged applicator packaging facilitates safe and easy activation, along with accuracy and control.
    Liquiband Flow Control can be applied in 3 simple steps:
    Step 1: While holding the container upright, squeeze the applicator wings until a cracking sound is heard.
    Step 2: Ensure that the wound is thoroughly clean and dry prior to closure. Invert the tip and gently squeeze the wings to prime the device. When the tip turns violet, Liquiband Flow Control is ready to use.
    Step 3: While holding the wound edges together, apply an even coat of Liquiband over the length of the wound, and continue to hold the wound edges together for 30 seconds.


    Make yourself comfortable, sitting upright, with a straight spine. With your eyes closed, look at the point midway between the eyebrows on your forehead. Inhale slowly, counting to eight. Hold the breath for the same eight counts while concentrating your attention at the point between the eyebrows. Now exhale slowly to the same count of eight. Repeat three to six times.

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