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  • in reply to: Feedback Forum #58032

    OK, so I struggle with clicks as well, and most of the time, it’s due to a lack of hydration. Munching on some green apple slices can help, too, the acid will help break up the stuff in your mouth that can cause some of the noise.

    With pronunciation, the letter “a” should be short, as in “ah”, not “eh” like Canadians say. By doing that, it may help with the pronunciations of the following words (like corset). Same thing with “obscenity”, it should be a short “e”, like “ob-sen-ity”, rather than “ob-seen-ity”.

    Something that helped me, as a suggestion from one of my coaches, James Andrews, was to cross out the words “to” and “for” and write in the numbers “2” and “4”. It helped me slow down a bit and give the words some more enunciation.

    The sound quality itself sounded fine to me…just a touch of room noise, like a fan from a computer or something, but nothing a little light noise reduction in post couldn’t cure.

    Just know: we all struggle. Knowing that you’re struggling, and knowing that you aren’t getting it right, is a sign that you have the skills and knowledge to do it. This is a good thing. Keep at it!

    in reply to: Feedback Forum #58022

    That’s helpful, thanks…I’ll have to give it another listen to see where I was doing that.

    in reply to: Feedback Forum #58021

    so the first thing I noticed was that all of the reads were essentially exactly the same in terms of the pacing, tone, and emotion. That’s something that should be varied, as each read would be attempting to reach a different audience, and achieve a different goal, right?

    Also, in each there were some cases of slurred words, so make sure to slow down.

    Finally, was this recorded on your phone just for the sake of practice? If yes, then no worries…if not, you’ll definitely need to work on your setup.

    in reply to: Feedback Forum #58020

    Good evening!

    Okay, so you have a great tone, first of all. The read was a little rushed, though, and it resulted in some words being smushed together. Slow it down and let it breathe a little.

    in reply to: Feedback Forum #57989

    Love your tone and texture, definitely has some natural gravitas to it. To that end, though, I don’t feel your connection to the script; it feels “read” as opposed to “delivered”, it that makes any sense. Given the material, this should have weight to it, right? That’s where you have to use your natural tools (that voice of yours) and bring some more performance to it. Let it breath a bit, give it more variety in emphasis.

    Also, is this a bit long for a demo? I don’t know what yours will be like when it’s complete, but the one I had produced through Edge for narration was 6 scripts, each at about 18 seconds long to offer a variety of tone and delivery. But if you are making this as a stand-alone piece, than having multiple reads doesn’t matter, I suppose.

    in reply to: Feedback Forum #57988

    Same notes as above…great tone, maybe a tad slower, especially at the end when you’re giving the website address. Who are you working with, if you don’t mind me asking?

    in reply to: Feedback Forum #57987

    Love the tone and your delivery on this…there was a real earnestness to it. Maybe slow down like 3.6% (but that’s just one opinion, take it for what it’s worth), and the only real note I have is that the end tag is really rushed, especially to your nearly dead-on pacing with the rest of it. But other than that, great!

    in reply to: Feedback Forum #57983

    Audition Feedback

    Hoping to submit this ASAP, so any feedback regarding delivery will be very helpful. Three scripts all with the same direction: “In a tone that’s intellectual and energetic”.

    Script 1:
    Doctors specialize in treating patients, not negotiating drug contracts and rates.
    That’s where GPOs come in – to serve physicians.
    Smart GPOs rely on data to ensure providers have access to the right therapeutic choices at the best value.

    Script 2:
    Distribution is the critical link between pharmaceutical manufacturers and healthcare providers
    Because AmerisourceBergen offers specialty distribution to its partners,
    we understand that a specialty distributor has knowledge of their patient base and specific needs of specialty physician practices.

    Script 3:
    At a time when health systems are challenged to maximize revenue capture, Drug reimbursement requirements are changing and complex.
    Even with an increased focus on this area, it can be difficult for a health system to have a holistic view of the revenue cycle and its complexities, spanning everything from drug procurement to reimbursement.

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    in reply to: Feedback Forum #57762

    First, welcome to the forum!

    Of the two reads, the second was your best. I could hear the smile as you read, and it felt more genuine and natural. The first was a little flat; I didn’t hear you connecting with the material.

    In both cases, there were a couple of rushed parts that slurred together a bit: in read 1, “lighter than the competition”, and in read 2 “for tracking expenses” and “meaningful to your business”.

    Good luck! Keep at it!

    in reply to: Feedback Forum #57761

    No worries, and I’m from the NE as well, so I feel your pain. I actually had someone tell me about 12 years ago when I first tried getting into VO that my accent was “too thick” and that he couldn’t ever work with me again (after he paid me $30 for what should have been around $150 worth of work). Don’t worry, it will all come together with patience and practice. Are you working with any of the coaches through Edge? The ones I’ve been fortunate enough to work with have been awesome and really helped me along.

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