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  • in reply to: Feedback Forum #60631

    As was mentioned above, a very “podcast” vibe for me, but that is an absolute compliment…that’s a podcast I would listen to, and your tone is so conversational that the “vo rules” being broken don’t even matter. And frankly, I think that would make for an amazing commercial for one of the liquors or the glasses or something…it really draws the listener in when it’s real, and not “real”, you know?

    in reply to: Feedback Forum #60630

    First, I love how you pronounce “theater”…that’s a hard one to pull off and sound natural, but I think you did it.

    The first item on the list about his IQ is a little muddled, so maybe a little more enunciation there. And with this list, it needs contrast: here’s a really smart guy who, before now, was stymied by his home theater, but this new product makes it so he’s able to do this thing. As it stands, it’s all delivered in kind of the same tone and urgency…give these list items some more color and contrast so that that last item stands out.

    in reply to: Feedback Forum #60176

    Love the gravitas of your voice. I’m envious.

    #1…I’m not sure of the intention here. There is a vivid word picture being painted here, but I’m not sure it’s coming through. Your delivery is good, I get the idea that this is supposed to be big and momentous, but I’m not sure why. May just need a little polish on the intention.

    #2 was, by far, my favorite, especially when you hit your stride in the second sentence…that’s fun! If there’s a way to bring that same level of interest in the first sentence, man, you’ll have knocked this one out of the part.

    #3 was nice to listen to, and it definitely sounded like you were playing to children, so right on, but I almost want to hear more of a sense of wonder about this. This is some cool stuff you’re talking about, especially with what we now know and what is possibly going to happen within our (or the kids that are hearing this) lifetimes.

    in reply to: Feedback Forum #60175

    OK, so to kind of echo what Robert said, this really sound “read”. There were a lot of glottal stops and pauses that took the flow out of it, possibly from either over-enunciating words or trying to put too much emphasis on them. (I get called on this by my coaches on a regular basis, putting in pauses at places that don’t need them.)

    In a few places, specifically “hunting” (sounded like “hunning”) and “consider” (sounded like “consinner”), the words were under-enunciated.

    1) Try to make the read flow without the pauses and stops. (Don’t put commas in where there aren’t any, like between “day or night”.)
    2) Who is this being read to? Why are you saying these words? Finding the intention will definitely help with the performance. (Believe me, I struggle with this constantly, it’s not easy, bu keep working at it!)

    in reply to: Feedback Forum #60172

    More Commercial Demo homework…this time, my reads are for Excedrin Migraine, which is supposed to be a super conversational tone, and Dewalt, more of a blue-collar tone. I also included some alternate takes on the tag line in the Dewalt read.

    Any feedback on tone, clarity of intention, and pacing would be great. (Note: I tend to rush as a natural cadence, something all of my coaches have told me, and it’s something that we’re trying to work on.)

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    in reply to: Feedback Forum #60169

    Could use some feedback on this audition…2 takes, 2nd starts at :15…biggest difference is how I’m hitting the first sentence. Brief called for casual but professional, so I was treating this like having a conversation with Sam from Accounting in the break room.

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    in reply to: Feedback Forum #60168

    I really love your tone, it’s very natural and calming; it has a great flow to it. That said, give more energy! Figure out which are the important words to hit, and make sure that they get the attention that the deserve. You don’t need to crank it to 11, especially with this read, but I would say give it a little more.

    in reply to: Feedback Forum #59752

    Thanks! The first one I was purposely slowing down, as during my coaching session Jen said I wasn’t giving it enough emphasis, so this may have been too much course correction. Definitely will work on it more.

    in reply to: Feedback Forum #59751

    Hi Evette…first impression: slow down. It sounds like you are rushing through the reads. Let the words breathe, there’s no need to go fast, even if you have a “time limit” like on a commercial. One of my coaches, James Andrews, told me that slowing down will actually help to speed up your read. It sounds paradoxical, but it works.

    Second impression: they sounded a bit the same. That isn’t to say bad, just the same. This comes from needing to connect with the material and understanding why you are saying these words, and to whom. (This is something I struggle with constantly.)

    Keep at the work, though, that’s what the VO game is all about. Continuous improvement.

    in reply to: Feedback Forum #59750

    Great job at masking your natural accent, I know how hard that can be to get away from. There was a little slur of words right at the top that needed to be enunciate a little more, less rushed. Not sure if that was an artifact of going to GenAm from Texas, but seems like you’re on the right track.

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