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  • in reply to: Feedback Forum #61325

    Some audition practice today…
    This one is for a short narration, and the client direction was “Mike Rowe style of delivery”, so I offered two different takes: one closer to Deadliest Catch (more announcer/presenter), and the other more like D***y Jobs (more conversational). Tone/pacing/delivery feedback?

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    in reply to: Feedback Forum #61319

    OK, so for plosives, that’s just mic technique and taking the air out from behind those letters. As far as the speed…it definitely got muddy with the enunciation. The trick is to say everything fast without losing the words. One of my coaches told me to slow down to speed up, and while it seems paradoxical, it actually works.

    in reply to: Feedback Forum #61318

    Nice tone, good diction. The reads all sound very similar, though, and have an announcer feel, as opposed to the conversational feel that most clients are looking for presently. I’d say give them another shot with a different, specific listener in mind for each one, which should then translate to different tones and serve you better to show your range.

    in reply to: Feedback Forum #61274

    (If this double posted, I apologize…it doesn’t look like my first attempt was successful.)

    Doing some narration practice, working on pacing and diction (making sure my “ands” and “tos” are pronounced without being over-enunciated), and as always, on tone. I put the VO over some video of me rolling with a white belt pre-COVID, in case you would like to see a little Brazilian jiu jitsu as well, hence the YouTube Link:

    in reply to: Feedback Forum #61273

    1) I could definitely here the smile in the first one, which is good. Maybe connect with the material a little more to ground it some?
    2) Same note as above, not sure I heard much of a difference between the first two in terms of tone, and I’m not sure I got who you were speaking to. Adding that will really take these to the next level.

    in reply to: Feedback Forum #61272

    Hi Mary…couple of notes from the first listen:
    – it feels “read” as opposed to feeling natural. How are you connecting this to the listener? Who do you envision that you are speaking to? This will help with getting out of the “read” zone and into the conversational zone that most clients are looking for right now
    – the “b” in “believe” is really lost…not sure if that’s just from the recording, or the enunciation
    – The penultimate sentence is really rushed, especially in comparison with the rest of the read (I do this sometimes as well)
    – There’s a glottal stop after “that’s” in the tag…try to keep the phrase moving without that pause there

    in reply to: Feedback Forum #61271

    I think it’s a good read, but I’m not sure if I’m getting conversational and spontaneous from it. It doesn’t sound like you’re talking to a specific person, more that you’re speaking to an audience. I think that the list that begins “whether you’re into…” has a lot of potential to really sound conversational.

    in reply to: Feedback Forum #60660

    Hi Mary…I do have a car commercial that we’re working on, but not the speed reading part about financing and all that (or like in every pharmaceutical ad where they list all of the side effects), we’re focusing more on the different tones and “characters” I can offer up.

    I’ll say that I struggled a little with who I was supposed to be speaking with on #3 as well, so that’s probably why it came through that way. And yes, I need to work on hitting the branding without using a sledge hammer.

    in reply to: Feedback Forum #60659

    It feels “read”, like I don’t know who you are speaking to with this. Your diction is fine, and you have a nice tone to your voice, but I don’t hear you connecting with the words. I guess start with who you are and who you are speaking to…bring the acting into it more.

    Good job, look forward to hearing more!

    in reply to: Feedback Forum #60632

    More commercial practice…right now, the things I’m really working on:
    – pacing: trying to not rush without slowing down so much that it bogs down the “natural” tone of the read
    – connecting/being specific with who I’m talking to, where we are, why I’m talking
    – not hitting the conjunctions hard…I tend, for some reason, to really hit the “and” and the “or” in lists harder than needs be, and I’m trying to do these lists in a way that give contrast but don’t emphasize the conjunctions so that the list flows.

    Here are the three scripts (tried going out of my comfort zone for one of them):

    Wet/Dry Vac
    It’s not that you’d ever find yourself removing puddles from a remote mountain trail…
    But with a full size, cordless, wet-dry vac…you could.
    Powerful,… durable…and the ability to run on two batteries for double the run time.

    Venus Spa Breeze
    Every Goddess deserves a little more me time. So there’s new 2 in 1 Venus Spa Breeze. The only razor with lathering shave gel bars infused with a soft fresh scent of white tea. Now you can easily smooth your skin while indulging your sense. Just wet, shave, and relax. Venus Spa Breeze. Reveal the Goddess in you.

    With Spotify, it’s easy to find the right music for every moment – on your phone, your computer, your tablet and more. There are millions of tracks on Spotify. So whether you’re working out, partying or relaxing, the right music is always at your fingertips. Soundtrack your life with Spotify. Subscribe or listen for free.

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