Looking for feedback. I didn’t provide the scripts for the last two.
A Haunting Title
In this world, there is real evil.
In the darkest shadows and in the most ordinary places.
These are the true stories of the innocent and the unimaginable.
Between the things we see and the things we fear, there are doors.
When they are opened,
Hi Official81,
I am no editor but I did listen to both your edited and unedited versions, I actually liked the unedited, again it’s just me, but I found the edited version sharp sounding.
Hi Tim,
Your voice is indeed suited for this type of ad, but you do need to make it conversational, maybe think of this, you just met me, I’m scheduling an event, and looking to provide some great beer for my guests, don’t tell to me about your product, talk to me about it, what makes it so great, why would I want to choose Coors banquet Beer. Your pacing was great.
Good luck!
Hi H Harris,
The New York Life, I though your pacing was good. The last phrase “The company you keep” you seemed to drop the p on keep I heard kee. Good choice with the walk in closet, but I would add more sound absorption, there’s a little echo.
Your read for the Atlanta Bread Company, the pacing was good for me, however your volume was too low, maybe play with your gain, I turned up my volume on the playback as high as it could go and you still were very soft.