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  • in reply to: Feedback Forum #85245

    Hi Luke – Good for you for stepping out of your comfort zone! I think you’re in good company here as I know I feel exactly the same way.

    Acura – I like the warmth of your tone. Given the brand, the desire for a dramatic read is understandable. However, consider trying to read this without the pauses.

    Discovery – Your warmth and friendliness shines here. I’m not sure if it’s the recording, but I may be hearing sibilant “s”s on “stinks,” “skunk” and “kids.”

    Quality Inn – I like your pacing here. The word “We’ll” got swallowed a bit.

    Looking forward to your next Post,


    in reply to: Feedback Forum #85220

    Hi Luke – Thanks so much for the cheers! What’s so great about this Forum is that we get to learn from one another! BJ

    in reply to: Feedback Forum #85139

    Hi – Thanks so much for your kind words and for suggesting that I work on a couple of different versions – good idea!

    in reply to: Feedback Forum #85126

    Hi Mary – You’ve likely done what I just did – poked around but can’t find a way to do so. Since all the topics are tied to David’s name, it looks like reaching out to an Edge staff member may be the best way to go. BJ

    in reply to: Feedback Forum #85124

    Hi – Thanks for sharing your read. For your consideration, think of slowing down a bit and creating a picture in your mind of who you’re speaking to. Looking forward to hearing more from you, BJ

    in reply to: Feedback Forum #85123

    Hi Michele – Your voice is very easy to listen to. I really like the warmth of your read. It may be just the recording quality, so I’m not sure if I’m hearing sibilant “s”s. Also, consider tightening up the read by eliminating pauses, which in some cases are being dictated by punctuation. Looking forward to hearing more from you, BJ.

    in reply to: Feedback Forum #85122

    Hi AJ – I like the tone of your voice. 1st sample – You seem comfortable with this script, so I do think you are conversational here. 2nd sample – More pauses within this copy, so it doesn’t come off as conversational here. 3rd sample – Consider eliminating some of your pauses to gain a more natural read. Looking forward to hearing more from you, BJ

    in reply to: Feedback Forum #85118

    Hi – Would you please give these reads a listen? The first narration is for a Non-Profit and the second is an Announcement. The copy is attached. What do you think is working and what’s not? I’m new to this Forum of Truth (as participant Provocaleric aptly named it) and I’m looking forward to hearing the truth from you. Grateful for your time and input! BJ

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