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  • in reply to: Feedback Forum #59179

    Hello all! I’m looking for feedback on a few Edge library scripts. I took the Science of Speaking like a Pro webinar last week – WOW – great stuff – and I’m trying to incorporate what I learned. Thank you in advance for taking the time to listen and comment on both my delivery and sound quality – so much talent on here!

    History of LSD
    In 1938, a Swiss chemist named Albert Hofmann synthesized LSD for the first time while studying ergots, a type of fungus. Though the pharmaceutical company that he worked for, Sandoz, didn’t have any interest in the compound, Hofmann found himself inexplicably drawn to it. Five years later, in the spring of 1943, he synthesized it again, noticing that it seemed to have unusual properties: After accidentally absorbing small amounts through his fingertips one day in the lab, Hofmann had to leave work early, under the effects of what he called “a not unpleasant intoxicated-like condition.” A few days later, he experimented with taking what he thought was a small dose of LSD, about 250 micrograms (a common dose now is more on the order of 100 micrograms), and proceeded to trip out of his mind, an experience he describes in his book LSD: My Problem Child

    Nero – Intro
    He was a perverse cross-dressing exhibitionist who had an incestuous relationship with his mother and married his step sister. He murdered members of his own family in fits of jealous rage. His cruelty, violence, and grotesque appetite for self-indulgence brought the Roman empire to the brink of financial and political ruin. And he viscously persecuted the Christians. They would remember him as the ultimate embodiment of evil … the anti-Christ.

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    in reply to: Feedback Forum #58167

    Hi Kathy! I’m so new to VO that I’m reluctant to offer any advice and I really liked how you emphasized some of the key words. One thing that stood out to me was “integral.” In my part of the United States, I’ve heard it with a “eh” sound instead of a long E, but I know that some words have multiple ways to pronounce them so I wasn’t sure about this one. -Amanda

    in reply to: Feedback Forum #58162

    Hello everyone! I’m back with more homework practice and I really appreciate the feedback from my first post here! This time I have 3 narration scripts from the library so thank you in advance to anyone who takes the time to listen and critique.

    Nature’s Recyclers
    Did you know that mold and bacteria and higher level organisms like beetles, centipedes and, of course, earthworms are all busy recyclers? By breaking down organic matter – stuff like dead plants, p**p, and decaying animals – they create valuable nutrients necessary for rich and fertile soil. Take it from me, a worm who knows, we are doing you a big favor.

    Working From Home
    Working in your pajamas. Skipping traffic. Oh yeah. Knowing that your lunch is safe from poachers. That’s the blissful reality of working from home.
    But as anyone who has done it can tell you, the reality is a lot less dreamy.
    There are no annoying coworkers snapping gum in your ears, but then again, there are no co-workers at all, which can lead to loneliness and isolation. And when there’s non one around to catch you Facebooking or Candy Crushing, it can be hard to stop doing those things and actually work.

    PADI Open Water Diver Course
    After enrolling, PADI’s eLearning system presents you with interactive presentations that include videos, audio, graphics and reading. Short quizzes let you gauge your progress, and review and correct anything you might happen to miss. This lets you move through the program efficiently and at your own pace.
    Prior to certification as a PADI Open Water Diver, you’ll visit your PADI Dive Center or Resort to complete your training. You’ll take a short eLearning Quick Review to confirm your understanding of safety-related material from the course, and you must successfully complete five confined water divers and four open water training dives with your PADI Instructor. You learn and master each of the required skills in confined water (swimming pool like conditions) first before moving on and showing your instructor that you can comfortably repeat those skills in open water. As a PADI Open Water Diver, you will be a certified entry-level diver able to rent dive gear, get air fills, and dive anywhere in the world in better or similar conditions to those you’ve trained in.

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    in reply to: Feedback Forum #57879

    Hi Kathy! Thank you for the feedback! I need to look up micropauses and understand that more. I’m so new to coaching that that hasn’t been addressed yet. I was trying to pause like there would be action on the screen and then tighten them up some but wasn’t sure what to do. I did intentionally chose “I’ll” over “I will” to attempt to make it a little more casual but thank you for pointing out that was probably not OK. Really appreciated the feedback!

    in reply to: Feedback Forum #57878

    Thank you! You are correct that I connected more with Excel – that’s my day job and I know nothing about ice fishing! I was trying for variation in the reads overall but lost the variation within them.

    in reply to: Feedback Forum #57877

    Thank you so much, Brian! I was trying for a subdued “quiet” read in hushed tones like ice fishing but apparently was very off the mark. The second read is most certainly more my natural delivery. This was very helpful!

    in reply to: Feedback Forum #57758

    Hello! This is my first post to the forum and I’m nervous and excited! My homework was to read, record, and post two narration scripts from the Edge library. Here are my scripts and I appreciate any and all feedback.
    Thank you!

    Ice Fishing Product Videos
    The Eskimo Pistol Bit is the lightest, fastest and smoothest auger of it’s kind. Its high strength extreme cold rested polymer flight and cutting head paired with its rigid aluminum hexagon shaft keep the auger lighter than the competition while maintaining incredible strength and durability.

    How to set up an Excel Expense Worksheet
    This video will share how to set up an Excel spreadsheet for tracking expenses. First, go to Menu, new, and select Workbook. Click on any cell to get started. I will use cell C2. Name this field something that is meaningful to your business, I’ll use my company name. Right next to that, let’s title this column the amount due.

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