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The Honey Baked Ham Bees
Bee 1: Hi we’re bees.
Bee 2: And we’re mad!
Bee 1: Here’s the deal. You buy Honey Baked Ham.
Bee 2: You love Honey Baked Ham!
Bee 1: But here’s our beef with this whole Honey Baked Ham thing.
Bee 2: Go ahead, tell ’em!
Bee 1: You talk about the spiral cut
Bee 2: Fine.
Bee 1: You talk about the three generations of traditions.
Bee 2: Also fine.
Bee 1: And you go way nuts over the great honey taste
Bee 2: And that, our human friends, is where the trouble begins.
Bee 1: Yeah, ’cause where did the Honey Baked Ham people get the idea for the great honey taste? HUH?
Bee 2: Yeah, where? FROM BEES! You MORONS!
Bee 1: But have you ever thanked a bee?
Bee 2: Have you ever gone up to a bee and said, “Hey, you bee, thanks for inspiring the great taste of Honey Baked Ham.”
Bee 1: No, you haven’t!
Bee 2: You never thanked us, yet you enjoy Honey Baked Ham on Holidays, at Super Bowl Parties, your kids graduation, birthdays…
Bee 1: Whatever!!! You love it. You enjoy it. But you never thank us.
Bee 2: And YOU wonder why… we STING!
ANNCR: Honey Baked Ham…. The Number One Ham in America!

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