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Hello Fellow Edgers 🙂
In preparation for my upcoming commercial demo, I need to get in as much practice as possible, with AS MUCH FEEDBACK:-) (See corresponding scripts below)
I HUMBLY THANK YOU ALL for your support 🙂
Has your hair lost it’s luster? Missing it’s bounce? Need some Va-va-va-voom? Let me tell you about this new shampoo I’ve been using. It’s not like your ordinary, run of the mill, “I share this with my husband” shampoo – no, this one goes beyond the call of duty to tame frizzies, banish split ends and most importantly, it gives you the confidence you need ( and a little bit of va-va-va-voooom! ). Why use your old shampoo when you can experience the power and endurance of Va-Va-Va-Voom shampoo? Call or click for your free sample today.
I know that you’re scared, and it’s a good thing to be scared.
Because with that fear, you realise that there is a strange adrenaline rush that takes over you,
akin to most of the top athletes and singers right before they play and start their performance.
As you feel scared, you can begin to you know…use this emotion for the better.
Use the rush, use the adrenaline, use all of this nervous energy.
You get scared because your mind pictures things not going in your favour, however the mind is creative.
One of the scenarios it can create, can come from the space of courage.
It’s all a picture in your head at the end of the day.
So why don’t you take this opportunity to think of the outcome that you want, the one in which you’ll feel happy, satisfied and excited about this journey that you’re about to take.
Yes, use all the nervous energy to imagine a level of euphoria unfathomable so far in your life. It’s bright and vivid.
You put aside the negative images you were seeing with these new, beautiful and breathtaking ones.
Yes, you can……NOW….BEGIN TO BELIEVE IN YOURSELF. (like a hypnotic order)
I am anxiety
I’ve been expecting you. Why? Don’t tell me you don’t recognize me? Oh! You still don’t know who I am. Let me try and help you with that. I am the ill ease that you feel when you walk into a crowded room. You know. The hot and cold flushes that confuse you when you are already confused enough. I am the one that raises the whip to your already raising heart. I am the tightening of your chest. The s*********g worries that feel like they might become an avalanche and they can just bury you in an instant. My friend I am the obsessive and the compulsive. I’m the voice. You know the one. Always questioning, questioning, questioning, everything you do, everything you think. And I am every, single staring eye that watches you. So, now that we have become acquainted, what are you going to do about it?
Tag: 1 in 4 people experience anxiety. And most don’t know about it. You need to know anxiety to be free from it.
Visit or call 1300 22 4636.