Going Bananas at the Holidays with Edge Studio’s Owner
Dec 20 2019
A message from our Founder and Owner, David Goldberg on going bananas at the Holidays:
Season’s Greetings from Edge Studio!
The holiday season is a terrific time to show gratitude to our amazing voiceover community, and to express how thankful we are for being a part of it.
For me, the most amazing part of this community is the diverse groups of people who make all this happen: from voice actors, copywriters, casting agents, producers, and directors to all the production coordinators, corporate clients, and admin teams. Of course a special shout out goes to my own admin team here at Edge.
During the holiday week, we stop casting, producing, and coaching, and instead focus on friends, family, and having a fun-filled holiday season. In that spirit, I wanted to share one of my personal favorite holiday memories, one where my holiday spirit got a little too carried away.
Once upon a time, security officers kicked me out of a veeery busy shopping mall wearing a Santa suit. Well, a Gorilla suit adorned with a Santa suit and beard.
Let me explain.
My friend Jason and I each owned a head-to-toe, Disney-style Gorilla suit. We wore them in parades, for birthday-grams, as stadium mascots, and so on. Then, we got full head-to-toe Santa suits. So we put them together (imagine a real gorilla dressed as Santa), bought a ton of candy canes, headed to the mall, and ran around handing out candy. We were hits! People stood in lines for pictures with us (possibly longer than the line for the regular mall Santa)! Until security came into the picture. It seems they weren’t particularly on board with our idea of going bananas at the holidays…
We didn’t have a license to dress as a mall Santa (who thought you’d need one?). And we didn’t have a license to hand out candy (okay, this one made sense to us). And so we were led out, into police cars, and taken to a quasi police room somewhere on the mall grounds.
What never made sense to us is that the police never had us remove our costumes – not even the gorilla mask covered with a Santa beard. Yes we were interrogated with the full costume on. And we were told to never come back to the mall.
That evening, some 30 years ago, was super thrilling for us. It was my first time (and still only time) in a police car, but we made tons of kids super happys. A few years later, Jason and I were kicked out of Disney World. But I’ll save this story for another time.
As a parting holiday gift for everyone in our Edge Studio community, I wanted to extend a special offer on training with me, David Goldberg. This offer ends on December 31st, and gives substantial discounts on private coaching sessions and demo production. Click here to see how you can work together with me, and give yourself the gift of voice over this season!
On behalf of the entire Edge Studio Family, I wish you the greatest holiday season and very much look forward to working with you in the new year.
Happy holidays!