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Thank you Michael for your critique of my First Animation Demo Reel! It was fun performing those characters. I put the most effort into my 1st character, with the weapons contracts. Speaking with the British Cockney dialect got rid of my speech problem. I enjoyed making the Mcfatty’s commercial to be funny. I’ll see if I can reorganize my Demo characters. Maybe add another character in my tonal range, perhaps?

In the performance of “Sound Stories June”, I am 1 or 2 Henchmen of the Japanese Yakuza mob. I use my Deeper register to swear, curse, and speak English as well as Japanese. That was me.

I was hired to perform, “The Isolated speech of N”, tired at midnight. As for my performance, yes, I struggle with something and I have lisps and stutters with the S and Th. My R’s are just fine though.

Thanks for the advice and positively honest critique.