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Hello everyone! I’ve uploaded two spots here, one of which I created the original copy. It was really interesting to begin placing technique and body motion into the read in order to get an authentic recording. Let me know what you think, am I on the right track?

Thank you

Words. They can do anything.

1 Words. They can do anything. They can call in a dog at night. They
2 can bring comfort to an old friend. They can say happy birthday to a
3 girl whose balloons are slowly sinking. But sometimes, words can
4 get you into trouble. Like the human rights activist who was
5 kidnapped for standing up to Government corruption. Or the
6 journalist sentenced to 10 years in prison for sending an email. Or
7 the thousands of men and women who are arrested and tortured
8 just for demanding fair election. Now we need your words, to
9 demand justice; to take a stand. To offer hope, to people around the
10 world, who are silenced for simply speaking their minds. Write a
11 letter or speak out today. Your words can lead to their freedom.
12 Words. They can do anything.

American Health Imaging: Safe Imaging

1 Need Medical Imaging? There’s no need to wait for an MRI, CT or
2 Ultrasound. American Health Imaging is a safe and smart
3 alternative to hospitals. Our clean and safe free standing
4 facilities offer high quality imaging at 75 percent less. All
5 customers are screened for signs of illness and our staff are
6 always wearing masks and other protective equipment.
7 You can also safely check in from your car. Our touch less
8 experience goes above and beyond CDC guidelines. All high-touch
9 surfaces are sanitized after each patient and our centers are
10 disinfected every night. Our one of a kind Concierge Experience
11 guides you through every step of your visit. American Health
12 Imaging, Now More Than Ever.