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Hey all! Trying some poetry since it’s totally the same thing as narration right? Right?
I know that some of my p’s pop, but other than that any and all feedback/criticism is extremely welcome.

On lowland plains I wander//All in the falling year,//By lowland valleys ponder//Upon my true love dear;//But spring will soon restore me//The smiles of Mary’s eye,//And the grand clouds flying o’er me//Upon the mountains high.
Within the lowland valley//There stands a castle strong,//Where round in each green alley//You’ll hear the wild bird’s song;//Far sweeter visions move me,//When I hear the eagle’s cry,//From the fields of G*d above me,//Upon the mountains high.
When autumn time is coming//Along the hills and dells,//You’ll hear the wild bees humming//Among the heather bells;//You’ll hear the g*y streams singing//Their songs to earth and sky,//Like the sounds of glad bells ringing//Upon the mountains high.
Amid their summits airy,//In sweet spring’s blessed reign,//I’ll sit beside my Mary//With happy heart again;//I have no wish beyond her,//And man can ne’er descry//Two youthful lovers fonder//Upon the mountain high.

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