Reply To: Feedback Forum


Hi JHern,
Yes, the Google link worked. I’m in my commercial coaching sessions and also recently submitted my first commercial copy for feedback as well. We’re doing it!:D

In the sample, your voice sounds clear and bright, and I think the tone does match the product. I think the pace has just a touch of a halt-like cadence that isn’t quite a conversational pace. One piece of advice that I received and can share that could help you sound more natural/conversational is to imagine that you are speaking to a friend or someone that you want to convince to travel with Air France. Practice speaking to a partner in real life or write your own lead in (like, “Of course you can afford to go!”) and either hit record after you say your lead in or edit that part out. I still need a lot of practice and coaching, but visualizing and pretending that I’m talking to someone has helped me get closer to sounding more conversational.

Great job and good luck!