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Live Announce & Public Address Free Voice Over Script

Over 6,500 free voice over commercial scripts, narration, animation & more!

Welcome to the world’s largest library of free voice over scripts!

Find English and Spanish scripts, in commercial voice over, audiobooks, animation, narration and more!

Experiment with new genres and practice! BUT DO NOT use these scripts for voice over demos – demo scripts should be tailored to your voice – we custom write scripts for demos.


  • ADD SCRIPTS TO THIS LIBRARY! See the “Share your script” form below.
  • View ALL scripts in a category: Click a category in the left menu. Then click “View All Scripts” below the 12 that open.
  • Search for scripts in ONE category: Click a category in the left menu. Then type keywords in the search bar.
  • Search for scripts across ALL categories: Click “All Scripts” at the top of the left menu. Then type keywords in the search bar.
EVA Airways Pre-Boarding Announcement

Passengers on EVA Airways: flight 10 departing to Taipei is now ready for boarding.

Interact Club Meeting Greeting

Good day, I extend my sincere gratitude to each one of you for gracing today’s Interact Club meeting with your [...]

Tap Dancing Class at the School of Silence

Attention. Attention. This is the School of Silence. The Tap dancing class has yet again reminded us to use the [...]

Hardloverz Dance Festival – Ran-D

Ladies and gentlemen… So far here at Hardloverz, we’ve convinced you that seeing is believing. Your eyes and your ears [...]

Hardloverz Dance Festival – D Block & S-tephan

Ladies and gentleman, it’s now time to come face to face with this next duo and seek judgment, once and [...]

Hardloverz Dance Festival – Frontliner

On this assembly line are the building blocks of an epic anthems and furious bass, raging with fire! Hardloverz, we’re [...]

Delta Sky Club – End of Day Announcement

Good evening, members and guests; the Delta Services team here at LaGuardia hopes you enjoyed your Sky Club experience this [...]

Final Boarding Call For DL719

Ladies And Gentlemen: this is the final boarding call for customers for Delta flight DL719 to Austin, located at gate [...]

American Airlines

Welcome aboard American Airlines coast-to-coast service. We’ll be happy to do everything possible to make your flight with us a [...]

Nuclear Emergency Announcement

Your attention please. This is an emergency message. This is not a drill. This is a warning that multiple reactors [...]

Real Estate Award – Intro

Only the top four percent of Boy Scouts become Eagle Scouts. To get to that level, you can’t just go [...]

Automated Voice in Airport

NARRATOR: Welcome to Ontario International Airport… You’re our top priority. And we have everything a discerning traveler could ask for. [...]


Share your script!

Proud of your writing?

Have a script that’s fun, unusual, challenging, or just very good?

By uploading it to the library, you help your fellow VO artists, enhance the library, and encourage others to do the same!

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