DAW for Beginners: The Basics of Voice Over Engineering



Taught by the outstanding Art Bruder, this class will help you figure out which recording software (DAW, which is Digital Audio Workstation) software is right for you.  Unsure?  Join the class and find out!


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DAW for Beginners

You’ve trained in voice over, you’ve mastered your vocal technique, and are ready to begin engineering your very own voice over audio – what’s next? Well, you’ll probably want to invest some time or money in a DAW, or a Digital Audio Workstation, an essential software for the purpose of recording, editing, and mixing digital audio. In DAW for Beginners at Edge Studio, we’ll break down the basics of voice over engineering and help you navigate the various electronic software options available to you.

Never heard of a DAW before? Have no fear – this class is perfect for an audio engineering novice. In DAW for Beginners, Edge Studio instructor and audio engineering expert, Art Bruder, will walk students through the process of determining which DAW is right for you. Art will explain first and foremost what a DAW is and its purpose. We’ll cover how you might incorporate the use of one into your everyday voice over practice.

There are a multitude of DAWs to choose from – if you scour the internet you’ll find endless possibilities. In DAW for Beginners, we’ll focus on the main four: Audacity, Twisted Wave, Adobe Audition, and ProTools. All of these DAWs have their own strengths and special characteristics and may be right for people who have different voice over goals. Specifically, each DAW varies in price (from free to financial investment). They also vary in difficulty and skill level. We’ll give you all of the insight to help you choose which one is best for your engineering needs.

In DAW for Beginners, Art will cover all of this and more: 

  • What a DAW is and its purpose
  • How you might incorporate the use of one into your everyday voice over practice.
  • The main four and their differences: Audacity, Twisted Wave, Adobe Audition, and ProTools.
  • Insight to help you choose which one is best for your engineering needs.
  • Recording/editing basics
  • How to master files
  • Using EQ and compression tools
  • How to save files in the proper format

By joining this webinar, you’ll gain the basic skills you needed to successfully use a DAW, including recording/editing basics, how to master files, using EQ and compression tools, and how to save those files in the proper format.

The class will conclude with a short Q&A with the instructor about all aspects of DAWs.

Questions or Looking for More Info?

Have questions about the DAW for Beginners class? Feel free to contact and we’ll be glad to help!

More DAW and Home Studio at Edge Studio

If you’d like to work on-one-one with Art Bruder to have your specific DAW questions answered, schedule a private DAW Consultation.

If you’re looking for more general home studio information, schedule an individual Home Studio Consultation or sign up for Home Studio 101.


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DAW for Beginners: The Basics of Voice Over Engineering DAW for Beginners: The Basics of Voice Over Engineering
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