Recommended by 8 agencies. And tailored to your voice, schedule, location, & goals.
“I have JUST been signed to the *** Talent agency as a voice actor! The amazing part is HE contacted ME! He heard the Promo Demo you created for me and pretty much signed me the next day! So thank you!“
– Kojo
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“I truly believe my VO career is ready for a huge leap forward and Edge Studio has been an integral part of this evolution. Let’s do this!!”
– Eric C
Education Roadmap
Education Roadmap
A planning session with your instructor plus on-going support and advice from our education team pave the road for a smooth, successful program.
Technique & Performance Training
Private coaching sessions, and free online training resources are the building blocks for your career.
Demo Portfolio Development
Create a professional voiceover demo with your coach and our expert engineering team, and be ready to stand out as an experienced, working professional.
Learn how to use all the tools from your Edge Studio training program to start your voiceover career. And gain new free online tools, too!
Continuing Education
After completing your training and demo (or during), you can continue expanding your career with our advanced-level classes, special community events, and much more.
Continuing Education