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New Year, New You: Diving into the World of VO

New Year, New You

A new year is upon us. We’ve been through some dark and unprecedented times but we have persevered and made it to 2022. I’m Sarah, the Director of Education here at Edge Studio.  I love what I do and am proud to be a part of this company, but like everyone else, I’m itching for something new and exciting to help kick off this next trip around the sun.  First and foremost, I am an artist, and as such I yearn for creativity, performance, and challenges. I want to feel inspired in my everyday life and I am ready for this new year to reinvigorate me.  At Edge Studio, we strive to do just that for our students – provide them with a safe space to experiment with and dip their toes into this crazy world we call “voice over”.  As we enter the next year of our lives, why not dive into a completely unfamiliar territory and see if you’ve got what it takes to be a voice actor? It’s time to start flexing that right-brained muscle of yours and begin your voice over training.  New year, new you.  You have to start somewhere, right?

Like Riding a Bike

At first glance (or sound, rather), voice acting can be scary.  We hear audio recordings everywhere – public transportation announcements, the menu of options to speak to a representative, Siri, amusement park safety instructions, even xoxo Gossip Girl.  Voice acting is infinite, and that can feel overwhelming as you take your first steps in the industry.

Think of starting out in voice over like riding a bike for the first time as a child. You meander up to this large contraption, take your first seat behind the handlebars, and don’t know what to do next.  All you know is you must begin pedaling and the bike will lead the way.  You might make a wrong turn, or crash and skin your knee, but once it clicks, you will never lose the feeling of riding the bike.  With practice, like anything, it becomes second nature, and even more so, enjoyable.

Apply this concept to voice over. You might not know anything about speaking properly, but give it a try. At Edge Studio, we’ve created and customized the Investigate Voice Over class, an introductory, three-hour crash course for the newest of newcomers or for anyone who has even the slightest interest in this craft. The IVO is designed with training wheels, for you to pedal slowly and see if voice over is even of interest to you.

When I first began working at Edge, I participated in the IVO.  It was fun, informative, and not even remotely scary.  I implore you to tackle the coming months with that “new year, new you” mentality and do the same.

A Time for Reinvention

You may be thinking, why now?  Well, there’s no time like the present.  As we’ve seen these past two years, life doesn’t always go as planned.  There’s no reason to keep making excuses – take a chance on voice over and you might like it.

Each December we talk about resolutions and doing something good for ourselves as we begin the next chapter of our lives. I hope that voice over training with Edge Studio is in your future, and if not, I hope you take a chance on another hobby or skill that you’ve been considering. Work towards a goal and be confident that in time you will achieve something bigger than yourself.  New year, new you.

At Edge, we’re here to guide you. We’ll hold your hand until you no longer need us and welcome you back with open arms when needed.  Make mistakes, trip up on words, embrace the voice creaks and cracks. That’s all okay; you’re learning. We are all just human.

Read more about Edge Studio Education here.