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When dining formally, in order to avoid an embarrassing utensil faux pas, observe the following protocol: Begin by locating your seafood fork. Grasping this fork between thumb and forefinger, proceed to shove it into the ear of the person directly to your left. SFX: Yeouch!! Next, to impress business associates, stick your soup spoon up your nose and exclaim, “Look at me, I’m a bowl of soup.” When the entree arrives, use the butter spreader to catapult particularly juicy portions onto the balding heads of nearby diners. SFX: Splat! And finally, quietly finish with your dessert utensils, all the while, of course, making odd gurgling noises SFX: Gurgling! and clucking like a chicken. SFX: Clucking Chicken! This lesson in table etiquette has been brought to you by Linguini and Bob, who invite you to enjoy serious Italian food in a not-so-serious atmosphere. Linguini and Bob, now open at Butler Square in Minneapolis.
Pendleton Whiskey
Pendleton Whiskey is born of the rich tradition of the Pendleton Round-Up. Each bottle prominently features the Pendleton Rodeo’s famous bucking horse symbol and Let’er Buck slogan. Oak barrel-aged, with uncommonly smooth taste and a rich, complex flavor, Pendleton Whiskey is made using glacier-fed spring water from Mt. Hood…Oregon’s highest peak. Pendleton Whiskey. Bottled by Hood River Distillers.
Winn Dixie
It never ceases to amaze me, get sick and everybody has a
home remedy. My Aunt Emma’s cure all is crushed garlic and
Limburger cheese in a sock tied around her neck. “ I never get
sick” she says. That’s, cause nobody can get within 50 yards of
the woman. Then there’s my cousin Moon Beam from
California. Swears by frozen Tofu Daiquiris. And my mother –
anytime she hears me sneeze wants to give me a oil and vinegar
rub down. Great – if you wanna smell like a salad bar for a
week. Me, I just go down to Winn Dixie. Their low prices alone
make me feel better, and by the time I go pick up some chicken
my prescription is ready. That’s because they have a computer
back there with a file with my name on it. They know my
Doctors name, my allergies, and never once did they ask me to
gargle with guacamole!